Synch.Live is a joyful, technology-driven experience that fosters human cooperation


Synch.Live scientists demonstrate that collective problem-solving through flocking induces higher connectedness to others. Read the paper


Mobilizing our instinct to cooperate

Synch.Live is a technology-driven experience designed to spark human connection in this time of profound disconnection and poised to deliver stunning new science. Informed by cognitive science, physics, data science, and art, and powered by a breakthrough algorithm, Synch.Live promises to change our understanding of how humans interact, experience, and learn.

Can a group of strangers learn - wordlessly - how to act like a group? Will the absence of language open up a more instinctive channel for communication?  Might a participatory first-person experience of collective emergence spark connection and delight? Yes!


Art + Science

An interdisciplinary project, created and directed by artist Hillary Leone, in collaboration with researchers from Imperial College London, Queen Mary University of London, University of Sussex, and University of Birmingham. 

Can Synch.Live enhance our sense of connectedness?